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Wire Loop Game

In the ‘Wire Loop Game’, a test of dexterity,  the player has to pass a metal hoop along a  twisted piece of wire without letting the hoop  touch the wire. Usually all the associated electronics does is ring a bell to indicate when the  player has lost. The version described here has  a few extra features to make things a bit more  exciting, adding a time limit to the game and a ticking sound during play.

Two 555 timer ICs are used to provide these  functions. IC1 is configured as a monostable which controls the time allowed for the  game, adjustable using potentiometer P1. IC2  is a multivibrator to provide the ticking and Two 555 timer ICs are used to provide these  functions. IC1 is configured as a monostable which controls the time allowed for the  game, adjustable using potentiometer P1. IC2  is a multivibrator to provide the ticking and he continuous buzz that indicates when the  player has touched the wire with the hoop.

Circuit diagram :

Wire Loop Game-Circuit Diagram

Wire Loop Game Circuit Diagram

When the monostable is in its steady state,  the output of IC1 (pin 3) is low. T1 acts as  an inverter, and D2 is thus forward biased.  R8 and R4 are therefore effectively in parallel, with the result that IC2 produces a low audible tone. The value of R4 is considerably  greater than that of R8, and so the frequency  of the buzz generated by IC2 is chiefly deter-mined by the value of R8.

When the monostable is triggered, the high  level at the output of IC1 is again inverted  by T1. D2 is reverse biased and so R8 is effectively removed from the circuit. The frequency of IC2 is now largely determined by  the value of R4. The ratio of R4 to R5 and the  value of C4 affect the mark and space periods for the multivibrator: for a satisfactory  ticking sound short pulses with long gaps  between work well.

Whether a sound is produced also depends  on the voltage on pin 4 of IC2. When the 9 V  supply is connected the monostable is initially inactive and there is no voltage across  C1. Pin 4 (reset) on IC2 is thus low and no tone  is produced. IC1 is activated by a brief press of  S1, which generates a low-going trigger signal  on pin 2 to start the game. C1 now charges via  D1 and IC2 is allowed to oscillate, generating  the ticking sound.

The pulse width of the monostable sets the  game duration, and can be adjusted using  P1. If the allowed time expires, or if the reset  input to IC1 is taken low (which happens when the hoop touches the wire), the monostable  returns to the quiescent state. This causes IC2  to generate the low buzz sound. D1 is now  reverse biased and C1 discharges through the  relatively high-valued resistor R9. After a few  seconds the voltage across C1 falls sufficiently  that the buzz stops and the circuit is ready for  the next player.

The circuit can be built first on a breadboard,  so that the component values can easily be changed to suit particular preferences for  game duration and buzz pitch. When suitable  values have been selected the circuit can be  built more permanently on a printed circuit  board. The author used a sheet of plywood  to form a base for the game, the twisted wire  being fixed to the board and wired to the electronics mounted below it.

Author: Andreas Binner - Copyright:Elektor


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