Spesification of this amplifier is high enough , and require a lot of expense to make this super-power amplifier. In the transformer using 20A and manufactered / branded ERA , ERA trafo is one of the best transformer , in addition to the power amplifier as well as power supply adapter , regulator , stabilizer , charger , etc. Because copper is intact , a strong iron and did not issue a frequency so that when the amplifier is turned on , output sound amplifier no buzzing. So if you in choosing a transformer , do not hesitate to use the transformer branded ERA.
Above and below the picture is the end of the amplifier circuit, so-called booster amplifier. Picture above using 14 pairs of transistor MJ15025G and his partner MJ15024G . Transistor price range of $5 - $6 , has power output of 250W on each transistor , for more details , see datasheet of each transistor.
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Installed transistor with resistor but still a mess |
Transistors MJ5025G and MJ15024G very fith with power amplifier 300 Watt subwoofer , 450 Watt , 600W , 750 Watt , 1050 Watt , 1200 Watt , and higher. The buffer and its driver using transistor not ic. For power schematic diagram can be found here.
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